Integrated Sound Healing
Kuyper Method
Path to Self-Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit
Integrated Sound Healing
Kuyper Method
Path to Self-Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit
Do you struggle with never feeling good enough?
do you have physical , emotional and spiritual pain?
I am here to support you to release any beliefs
and trauma that has robbed you of being loved
for the powerful person you are.
It is your time to be whole, healthy and happy.
Integraged Sound Healing Consent
Integraged Sound Healing Consent
By clicking/book an apt:
I agree to all polices and consent to a session with Cheryl Hall. I have received information and understand that the integration of Sound Healing/Power of Intention and Family Constellation Work is a gentle, complementary energy based approach to health and healing that can assist my body in its natural ability to heal.
I fully acknowledge and understand that this is accomplished through the use of contact and/or noncontact touch. It has been explained to me, that Integrated Sound Healing is a complementary therapy not intended to replace any currently prescribed medical treatments as ordered by my physicians nor any other medical care I have I may be advised to seek by them.
I have been informed that Cheryl Hall will neither diagnose any medical condition nor prescribe for any condition that I might have nor does she make any specific claims regarding results from the sessions that I receive.
I have been encouraged to consult a licensed medical practitioner for any physical or mental complaints I may have. Some of the indications for a Integrated Sound session include, but are not limited to:
• Reduction in pain, anxiety and stress
• Decrease in nausea
• Preparation for medical treatment and procedures and to manage side-effects
• Supports the body’s natural healing process and sense of well-being
• Facilitation of wound healing
• Emotional-Mental-Spiritual support
To ensure the best possible experience for everyone, please read the following carefully:
•Because this is a space where we deal with personal and highly sensitive issues, it is important that all participants take their participation seriously and treat everyone in the group with respect and care.
• IF VIRTUAL Please ensure you have Zoom app downloaded, a quiet and private space, where you won't be disturbed, good Internet connection, working audio & video.
• It is recommended to use a computer instead of a mobile phone.
• As we are working in service to one another, you must use your camera.
•It is strictly forbidden for participants to record the video and audio during the event or share any content from the event.
•We agree to confidentiality and that we do not discuss or advise any participant on her/his life situation and we respect each other's path and choices. It is understandable that you may want to share something of your personal experience, but please share only what belongs to you and exclude any identifying information about others.
•After the workshop if anything comes up for you that you feel concerned about feel free to contact me
•Please note that this workshop is not a substitute for therapy and you are responsible for making sure that you have adequate emotional and psychological support to help you process anything that may come up for you in this event.
.Session for groups maybe reorded for students with permission of participants
I have been informed that all client information and records are treated in a confidential manner.
My experiences during these sessions are confidential subject to the usual exceptions governed by State or federal laws and regulations.
Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless Cheryl Hall from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s).
My questions have been answered to my satisfaction regarding my facilitator’s background, and what I might expect from this session.
I give my consent to receive Integrated Sound Healing Session/Family Constellation Work from Cheryl Hall.