Integrated Sound Healing
Kuyper Method
Path to Self-Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit
Integrated Sound Healing
Kuyper Method
Path to Self-Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit
Do you struggle with never feeling good enough?
do you have physical , emotional and spiritual pain?
I am here to support you to release any beliefs
and trauma that has robbed you of being loved
for the powerful person you are.
It is your time to be whole, healthy and happy.
"There's no organ system in the body that's not affected by sound, music and vibration. You can look at disease as a form of disharmony." - Mitchell Gaynor

What is sound healing? In short, it's a practice that uses vibrations (vocal or instrumental-like gongs, Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks) in order to relax your mind and body.
Given that everything has a vibrational frequency, including ourselves, it makes sense that sound frequencies impact how we feel. That's why particular songs and types of music often bring about specific types of emotions from us. Sound healing, which is an ancient healing technique that uses tonal frequencies to bring the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony, plays upon this as well.
So, how does it work? During a sound healing session, also known as a sound bath, you'll typically lie down on the floor, yoga mat, or massage table and simply listen and absorb as a practitioner plays a variety of instruments on and off the body as you "bathe" in the soothing sounds and vibrations. The sound frequencies then slow down brain waves to a deeply restorative state, which activates the body's system of self-healing. This relaxed state allows your body to repair itself by activating the body's internal healing processes and parasympathetic nervous system.
Singing bowls, gongs, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, and drums are the instruments that practitioners most often use in sessions. However if used with the proper intention, almost any instrument can be used in sound healing.
Each instrument serves a different purpose. Crystal bowls, for example are tuned to the notes of the seven chakras. The gong is said to help release tension in the body and stimulates the glandular and nervous system.
And although sound healing has grown in popularity in recent years, it is a healing modality that dates way back. From vocal chanting, Christian hymns, to instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, shamanic drums, and more, you will find some form of sound healing in every culture on Earth. It is said that sound healing can be traced back 40,000 years to when indigenous Australians used ancient didgeridoos for healing.
Pythagoras "the father of music" discovered musical intervals that could heal, using sound and harmonic frequencies. He was the first person to prescribe music as medicine. He opened the door to the science behind sound healing. One amazing historical example of sound healing is the sound chambers created by the ancient Egyptians in the pyramids.
You'll lie down on the massage table or if online get in a comfortable position and simply listen and absorb as a practitioner plays a variety of instruments. If in person, the instruments maybe played on and off the body. If the session is online, get comfortable without interruptions from computer or phone. You may listen to the sound from the computer, use headphones or place the phone on your chest, whatever feels most comfortable. You will have a session that integrates Power of Intention and Family Constellation Work (when appropriate) with sound healing. As with most alternative healing modalities and meditative practices, everyone's experience is different, and new things may come up in each session. Most people will feel very relaxed and peaceful during a sound healing; some might have visualizations, receive creative downloads, or have an emotional breakthrough.

Four benefits of sound healing
1. It's super-relaxing
Deep relaxation is one of the most significant and universal benefits of sound therapy. The sounds permeate our system returning it to harmony. So if you take nothing else away from a sound healing session, relaxation on its own is worth it. With our busy schedules and so much going on in the world, we can all use some chill vibes.
2. It helps clear energetic blockage
Some people experience deep healing during sound therapy as the sound vibrations open, clear, and balance their chakras and release stuck energy. There have been those that have described it as an internal massage.
You may also feel physical sensations like tingling in your hands or, feel a sense of being hot or cold.
3. It boosts your health
Research has already demonstrated that sound healing can be incredibly beneficial.
Benefits can include improved sleep, reduction of chronic pain and blood pressure, lowered cholesterol, lowered blood sugar, and a decreased risk of heart disease. That does not mean that you don't stop seeing your medical provider for these conditions.
4. It supports mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
It also heals on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Sound healing can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It can balance and clear the mind and lead to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, calm and happiness.