Integrated Sound Healing
Kuyper Method
Path to Self-Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit
Integrated Sound Healing
Kuyper Method
Path to Self-Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit
Do you struggle with never feeling good enough?
do you have physical , emotional and spiritual pain?
I am here to support you to release any beliefs
and trauma that has robbed you of being loved
for the powerful person you are.
It is your time to be whole, healthy and happy.
What is Sound Healing
What is Sound Healing
What is sound healing? In short, it's a practice that uses vibrations (vocal or instrumental-like gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, drums, flutes and tuning forks) in order to relax your mind and body.
Vibration and sound touches us in the deepest possible way. Not only in the physical sense. You are a being of sound and light.
An Example when you walk into a room and someone is angry you feel it. All that touches us on a vibrational/frequency level affects us emotionally, physically and spiritually.
An Integrated Sound Healing Session can help:
An Integrated Sound Healing Session can help:
Reduce stress and tension
Connect with your true self
Balance chakras and energy field
Approach a deeper level of awareness
Balance and heal physical issues
Find inner peace and empowerment
Connect to your inner wisdom and guidance
Get in touch with your feelings and your body
Increase energy and vitality
Release old feelings and beliefs
Quiet the busy mind
Be more comfortable
Feel stronger, centered and present
Back Pain Improved
Back Pain Improved
After first session I could lay flat on my back for the first time in 20 years with no pain--we weren't even focusing on that issue. The digestive issues we were working on resolved as well.
Darlene Cline
Darlene Cline
Fayetteville NC
Very amazed to find how the body/mind/spirit works together Affecting relationships, finances, health and spirituality. Be prepared for total positive changes as you learn to self heal. And oh by the way after my fourth session
it was never part of the intentions set. I had started losing my hearing a year ago. thought I was doing it like my father and now my hearing has magically returned.

Donna Kieft
Medical Assistant
Donna Kieft
Medical Assistant
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I feel more powerful
I feel more powerful
The combination of sound healing/family constellation for/power of intention that was performed, as well as, teaching me the self healing techniques has empowered me in all avenues of my life. It has helped my anxiety/depression, allowing me to feel more productive with more purpose.
Penny Tippie
North Carolina
Penny Tippie
North Carolina
Maria a Salvat, NC
​28 Sep 2023
"What a powerful sound healing session. I felt energy shifting like never before. I felt a deep state of relaxation and calm. I look forward to continuing my healing journey."
Mistie NC
​ 23 Sep 2023
"I highly recommend Cheryl Hall and Integrated Sound Healing! My sessions have enabled me to release limiting beliefs, suppressed emotions, and anxiety. I feel calm and relaxed after each session. I’m grateful to have Cheryl and Integrated Sound Healing as part of my healing journey."
Shirl, SC
In Person
24 Sep 2023
"My first session with Cheryl went better than I expected. I was able to release negative energy from my body that I thought I had dealt with a long time ago. Thanks Cheryl for your guidance and wisdom. Highly recommend Cheryl and Integrated Sound Healing. Looking forward to another session."
Laetitia Permall
26 Mar 2022
What a powerful sound healing session. I felt energy shifting like never before. I felt a deep state of relaxation and calm. Immediately after my session my body started releasing toxins. I just allowed my body to release what no longer served it and look forward to continuing my healing journey.
Laetitia Permall click link or
Unmute and watch below

26 Mar 2022
Excellent care, warm environment and peaceful, relaxing
Sep 29, 2023
Ms. Cheryl was awesome, she really help me with issues I was dealing with from my childhood. Past trauma and let go of alot of toxins that were hindering me from moving forward in My Life! Ms. Cheryl is truly a Blessing! She knows her work!
Sep 05, 2023
Cheryl was incredible! I had two sessions with her and I released so much. I noticed that my relationship with my young son improved immediately. I had more patience and was more gentle. I felt so much energy during the remote session. She’s the real deal.
Hours Monday 9-5 TWTH 6-8pm Sat 9-5
Depending on in Person or Virtual --
The standard fee for a single session: $150 hour
Groups/ Multiple session packages/program rates vary
I can see you in person or online via Zoom.
Call or click to schedule your appointment
Phone 828-279-2595
In Person Office--
823 Elm St Suite 200
Fayetteville NC